TX7W QSL Policy

QSL TX7W via K5WE. Clublog OQRS is preferred. If you donate $5 or more, you will automatically qualify for free direct OQRS after the expedition. Direct is OK with SASE/SAE and sufficient funds for postage. Please no IRCs. Bureau request is OK via OQRS. Please don’t send your cards via the bureau, they are not needed.

For what it’s worth, my philosophy regarding QSLing is “Old School”. I remember when the phrase “A QSL is the final courtesy of a QSO” meant something. Recent trends connecting QSLing and LoTW uploads to fund raising methods seem to be getting out of hand.

Please note: I will upload the entire log to LoTW shortly after returning home. I will not hold your confirmation hostage for a donation. I will not charge you for a LoTW upload. Direct cards are available via Clublog OQRS for $3, which, after paypal takes their cut, is slightly more than my cost for the QSL, envelope, labels, and postage. Bureau cards via Clublog OQRS request are free to you, although there is a significant cost to me. In the traditional spirit of DXing, I will process your QSL request as quickly as possible.

All that being said, I am not a wealthy man. These DX trips are expensive. I hope you have enjoyed the show. Any voluntary donations to this DXpedition are greatly appreciated…

Any donations to help with the costs of the TX7W DXpedition are greatly appreciated.

Use the Donate button below: