KP2/K5WE US Virgin Islands DXpedition
September 2012

Operator: Jeff Martin – K5WE
The DXpedition
Op: Jeff Martin – K5WE
Christiansted, St. Croix
US Virgin Islands
CQ 8 – ITU 11
IOTA – NA-106
Grid – FK77PS
KP2/K5WE – St. Croix – US Virgin Islands Update:
I operated from KP2, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, as KP2/K5WE from 18Sept12 until 26Sept12. My QTH was the KP2M Contest Station. Equipment included a Yaesu FT450d with Ameritron Amp and large yagis on towers for all bands. Logged 9,326 QSOs. One day was spent on RTTY (675 QSOs), all the rest on CW. QSL via home call… All KP2/K5WE QSOs uploaded to LOTW on 27Jan13… Thanks for the QSOs. Hpe CU from the next one… 73, Jeff – KP2/K5WE